Support for Racial Justice

Statement of Rotarians in Support of Racial Justice
As Rotarians throughout our region, we engage in solidarity with Americans across our community and the nation. We acknowledge the pain and suffering that systemic injustice and oppression inflict. We stand in unity with all Black Americans and other communities of color throughout our country.
We salute the millions who have marched peaceably in our streets. We embrace demand for change—in law enforcement, policing tactics, the criminal justice system, healthcare system, public and private education, employment opportunity and housing. We stand in solidarity against injustice and inequity. As Rotarians, we pledge our support for long-term, fundamental change in anti-racist policies and practices to stamp out oppression and discrimination in our communities.
Rotary is committed to playing a positive role in educating, engaging in healing dialogue and finding ways to collaborate with business, government, academia and the non- profit sectors. We will explore ways to root out systemic racism and seek greater equality, justice and inclusion. In doing so, we will use the Rotary Four Way Test as our guide in the things we think, say or do:
Is it the TRUTH?
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?