Dec 07, 2023 12:00 PM
Mike Madden, Rotary Youth Service in District 5030
Opportunities to Get Involved

Lunch meeting at Azteca, 153 SW 157th, Burien, WA 98166.

Mike Madden is our District 5030 Rotary Youth Service Chair.  Mike was born in Michigan, raised in Southern California, and moved to Washington where he attended Western Washington State College, now Western Washington University. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Education, majoring in History and French. Mike taught at Meadowdale Junior High for five years and moved on from there after two district funding failures. He landed at Safeco Life Insurance Company, starting as a life insurance underwriter, becoming a supervisor, then manager, then he retired in 2010, as the Vice President of the Individual Product Line. Mike joined University Sunrise Rotary in 2010 and has served as Rotaract Liaison for UW-Seattle Rotaract, University Sunrise President, International Service Chair, Secretary, District Rotaract Chair and Youth Service/Youth Protection Chair.
Mike will share his experience regarding Youth Service and the Opportunities to Get Involved.